Shamanic Healing
Shamanic practices are ancient practices where we access information and healing from the other realms, also called non-ordinary reality. If you are looking for answers, seeking wholeness or relief from spiritual or emotional pain or injury, there is much that can be gained through shamanic journeying, which I can do on your behalf, or teach you to do.
I can help you access these realms safely and without drugs, by teaching you how to journey using drumming or rattling. I can help you get a power animal or guide that you’ve always had with you and make this power animal or guide consciously available to help you in your life.
Or, I can do a shamanic journey for you, to find answers to questions you may have. I can look at you through the shamanic journey state and remove intrusions that are energetic, and even discover and remove lost spirits that may be attached to you and influencing you in ways you may not enjoy. That is called depossession, but it’s not like in the movies. Actually, it’s a beautiful healing of the lost and injured spirit that may have attached itself to you, and the recovery of your wholeness in the process. It removes influences that you do not need in your life making it easier to move forward and attain your goals and wants.
Often during the trauma of our lives, we will split off a part of us during the violence. However, it is still attached and out there in the other realms. This part of you needs some healing and it can be brought back to you, to enhance your life and restore your wholeness. This will help you move forward, where before that missing part was preventing you having full personal empowerment to do what it was you came here to do.
I can help you discover what it is you came here to do and look at those blocks and find healing. I want to help you move forward with a more joyful life. Through shamanic journeying, you may find a way to move forward, let go of pain and issues, and embrace happiness.